

«Δεν μπορείς να λύσεις ένα πρόβλημα
με το ίδιο μυαλό που το δημιούργησε»

Albert Einstein

Ii is true! The mind creates your reality's limitations! When fears, insecurities and self-doubt are magnified, it's time to take action.

Coaching is an experiential process that helps you identify your strengths, develop new skills and a strategy to achieve your goal! It provides support and feedback in a safe environment of trust and respect. 

Witnessing how amazingly this process transforms people, I would say that Coaching is the Art of Change.

You change to achieve your goals and by achieving your goals you change your life!

It is influenced by Positive Psychology, Solution Focused Therapy, Systemic Therapy and can be applied in all life areas, such as, personal and professional advancement, athletic performance, business leadership.

It is a scientifically proven, effective and safe process that helps you set free from unproductive, limiting beliefs, align with your values and gain a new perspective.

The goal of coaching is to empower you to make meaningful, lasting changes and assist you in developing a sense of purpose in life so that you feel more content and fulfilled!

Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny

Mahatma Gandhi


Reasons to start coaching?

  • To help you set and achieve personal and professional goals
  • To gain clarity and direction in life
  • To overcome limiting beliefs and fears
  • To develop a healthy self-esteem and self- confidence
  • To achieve work-life balance
  • To deal with change and transitions
  • To improve your communication skills
  • To manage stress and increase well-being
  • To set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • To develop and maintain a positive mindset
  • To increase motivation, resourcefulness and productivity





Value: 50 ευρώ

Duration: 1 ώρα




Value: 240 ευρώ,

Session Duration: 1 ώρα

6 weekly 

online sessions




Value: 105 ευρώ/άτομο

Διάρκεια συνάντησης: 1.5 hours

7 εβδομαδιαίες δια ζώσης ή

online sessions

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