Path Into Light

If your heart has led you this far...listen to it!

The Path into Light is an opportunity to begin the path of awakening.

This a 4-day experiential training, is an amazing journey that brings you closer to your true self and helps you answer your inner questions such as:

  • What is spirituality?
  • What is my purpose in this life?
  • Is it possible to perceive life beyond my 5 senses?
  • What does it mean to "listen to my inner guidance"

It's time to remember your true nature!
It's time to Shine your Light!

As our teacher, Agni Eickermann says:
“Path into Light can be a path characterized by darkness and challenges, but ultimately leads to growth, realization, and inner strength.

Path to light is about breaking old habits, transcending oneself, and developing new perspective.

It requires courage, trust, and the willingness to open oneself to new possibilities. It is a process of self-reflection, in which we recognize our fears and limitations and transform them into positive changes.

By embarking on the Path into Light, we strengthen our inner connection and spirituality. We learn to focus on the positive, show gratitude, and develop compassion for others. It leads us to a deeper understanding and acceptance of ourselves and the world around us.

The path into Light can be different for everyone. The speed, the challenges, and the experiences can vary from person to person." 

Ο Δρόμος προς το Φως είναι ένα ταξίδι
προσωπικής ανάπτυξης, αυτο-ανακάλυψης και θετικής αλλαγής.

Σου ανοίγει τη δυνατότητα να συνειδητοποιήσεις
την εσωτερική σου αγάπη και φως.

Η αγάπη και το φως γίνονται ο θεραπευτής
και ο εσωτερικός σου οδηγός.

It was created to realize that your true essence lies beyond fears, blockages, limitations or traumas acquired along your evolutionary path.

Created to recognize yourself, the qualities you express as a spiritual being and to embrace your Greatness!

During the Path into Light training::

  • Shift your attention inwards, where the real treasures are
  • Learn to harness the energy of your chakras and how to operate your energy system responsibly
  • Learn to trust your inner voice as the main guide in your life
  • Connect with your higher potential
  • Experience how to live a more conscious and awakened version of yourself
  • Learn to remain in touch with your “Core I” even if you are facing unexpected challenges in your life
  • Receive your life’s mission

Training Information

Duration: 4 days

Hours: 10:00am – 18:00pm daily

Value: 1800 euros

Group Training

Conducted alive and online.

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