Alpha Chi Feng Shui

Space Optimization


Have you ever entered a space and felt uncomfortable, a headache, a "burden" on your chest or felt anxious for no obvious reason?

Are you not resting in your own home?

Are you facing financial difficulties, tension and lack of cooperation in your professional environment?

Have you noticed properties that are constantly vacant?

All is Energy

Thoughts, beliefs, emotions are also proven forms of energy, of different frequency and different vibration that are imprinted in our space and affect us.

Scientific research confirms that indeed the energy footprint of a user remains even after his departure! Russian physicist Vladimir Poponin has shown that DNA (which is a vibrational frequency in the human system) continues to affect the environment even after it ceases to exist in the environment. 

 The Institute of HeartMath showed through his research that the low vibrational emotions such as anger, hate, rage compress our DNA, while with while with love, compassion, joy, gratitude, DNA expands.

Thus, it is your choice which frequency you choose to tune and live in!

Alpha Chi Feng Shui is an effective way of holistic, energy healing that helps you balance various areas of your life, to enjoy more flow, creating harmonious and "bright" spaces. The ultimate goal is to release old structures and imprints and attract new qualities that support your well-being and personal growth.

Why choose to energetically cleanse your space?

The buildings in which we live or work are also "alive". They emit specific vibrations and affect positively or negatively your personal life, your health and professional development.

How is vital energy increased in a space?

  • By erasing the energy imprints of previous users
  • Detecting and healing energy blockages, incompatibilities, or imbalances that affect you negatively
  • Balancing/reinforcing the 7 chakras and the 5 elements of the space
  • By redirecting the geopathic created in the field by stagnant streams, underground or stagnant currents, the electromagnetic cloud of electrical devices or negative influences such as old battlefields.

Lighten up and Charge your space with positive energy

When is energy cleaning recommended? When you:
  • buy a real estate
  • rent a space or renovate an existing one
  • enter your newly built home or business premises
  • you decide to live in your parents' house
  • you work remotely in your home,
  • a new member/partner joins, e.g. partner, child, executive, partner
  • you remain in the same home after separation or divorce
  • you have someone chronically ill or a family member has recovered from a difficult illness
  • you don't feel well/you don't rest in your space or have constant accidents e.g. falls
  • you feel the presence of other entities in the space
Where is it applied? It is applied to all outdoor or indoor, business, public or private spaces (homes, apartments, offices, shops, crops, gardens, plots, cars, marine vessels, hotels, entertainment venues, schools, etc.) How is it done? As a certified Alpha Chi Consultant I detect the energy flows in external and internal spaces. With the help of energy symbols I restore the existing disharmonies and imbalances without necessarily requiring changes in the layout/decoration of the space.

Άδραξε και εσύ την ευκαιρία να ζήσεις με περισσότερη ευκολία,
χαρά και αφθονία!

What are the steps?

Initially, I make a "diagnosis" of your space, capturing the current situation, gathering information on how it will benefit you, what the purpose is, as well as the cost of this investment. Once you agree, I come to your place (it can also be done remotely if you are living abroad) and the process of transformation and upgrading begins.

Usually, the energy cleansing is completed in 1-2 days. In the end, a Counseling session follows for guidance in important areas of your life and discuss any further information.

I have been practicing Energy Feng Shui since 2012 and every time I am pleasantly surprised by the immediate results, the positive changes, the small or big miracles that happen in people's lives!

The feeling and quality of individual or business spaces is transformed, and as a result, interpersonal relationships find a new balance.

Training Information

Each energy space healing is different and unique.

Αν θέλεις να μάθεις την αξία του ενεργειακού καθαρισμού της οικίας ή της επιχείρησής σου, αγόρασε την Διάγνωση Χώρου και θα λάβεις πληροφορίες για το πως θα σε ωφελήσει ο ενεργειακός καθαρισμός, τον σκοπό καθώς και της αξία της επένδυσης αυτής.

Αξία Διάγνωσης Χώρου: 60 ευρώ

Customer Reviews

Nikos Avgerinos