Mindfulness Courses

One-to-One & Group

Do you feel like you're living on autopilot?

Do you feel like time is slipping through your fingers and time is never enough?

Do you feel that your life is "flat" and cut off from joy and creativity?

Do you wish to manage repetitive behavioural patterns or traumatic experiences that are hindering your well-being?

This is an experiential Mindfulness & Empowerment program
which I have developed by combining my 15 years of knowledge as a holistic therapist, spiritual teacher and certified coach

The idea of conscious self-observation or managing your emotions may seem difficult at first, but all it takes is willingness to change and practice!

Thoughts are known to create a specific field, produce specific frequencies and transfer to our cells and therefore to our biology specific positive or negative information accordingly. A fact proven by countless scientific studies, especially neuroscience. 

Mindfulness is the ability to voluntarily bring a wandering mind back to the present. The ability to observe both ourselves and those around us with a non-judgmental, neutral attitude. It is a condition inherent in everyone.

Have you noticed your inner dialogue? 
When you mirror yourself, what do you see? 


On my own transformation journey, I will never forget the moment when, as a teenager, when I saw my reflection in a window shop I said to myself: "You don't deserve to be so beautiful" and untied the beautiful braid my mother had made. 

Ever since, I have come a long way with various benchmarks all equally important. Since then, I have understood that change had to come from the inside out for it to be real! 

The program focuses on how to practice mindfulness in your daily life, how to observe and manage your emotions, and how to heal traumas created through your life experiences.

It includes healing meditations, simple and easy-to-use practices that will practised during the program and afterwards in your own time.

Περιεχόμενο προγράμματος


  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Practical methods of managing emotions,
  • Beliefs and subconscious reprogramming
  • Self-observation and self-awareness exercises,
  • Meditation exercises for tranquility
  • Qualities and practical management of energy centers (chakras)

Ποια είναι τα οφέλη του προγράμματος

  • Learn to be present, live in the here and now,
  • Improve your communication skills as well as your self-image,
  • Reduce stress and thus limiting the chances of burnout,
  • Heal blockages related to past events,
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence and self-observation skills,
  • Learn to choose a more positive attitude in life's challenges (emotional resilience),



A relaxed mind is a creative mind, as studies have shown, especially useful when we are called upon to face multiple challenges every day that create anxiety and often "awaken" inner conflicts.

Studies in countries where mindfulness programs are implemented have shown that performance and goal achievement increases by 60-70% while levels of happiness hormones, which make us feel happier and more energetic, increase by 60%.


Training Information

The program is offered individually and in groups

Duration: 6 weekly online sessions, 1 hour each session

One-to-One Program Value: 180 euros

Join a group or create your own with 10 or more people

και κέρδισε έκπτωση 35%

Group Program Value: 120 ευρώ/person, session duration: 1.5 hours

Conducted alive and online.

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